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In the 2024 edition of The Legal 500 Latin America, Morgan Lewis is acknowledged

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VIDEO: The Legal 500 Webinars: The legal industry’s contribution to digital transformation in Latin America
The Legal 500

October 31, 2023

NEW YORK, October 31, 2023: Morgan Lewis has earned four practice rankings, including a Tier 1 practice ranking in City Focus – Houston, in the 2024 edition of The Legal 500 Latin America. Additionally, six lawyers have been recommended across multiple practice areas in the guide. The 2024 edition praised the Latin America team’s impressive record in energy projects and transactions and noted their experience in numerous jurisdictions throughout the region. Recommended lawyers were featured in the guide due to their “outstanding records in big-ticket transactions” and “deep knowledge and broad expertise in cross-border transactions.”

Practice Rankings (Latin America: International Firms)

  • Banking and Finance
  • City Focus – Houston
  • Corporate and M&A
  • Projects and Energy

Recommended Lawyers (Latin America: International Firms)

  • Felipe Alice: City Focus – Houston; Corporate and M&A; Projects and Energy
  • Juan-Pablo “John” Crespo: Banking and Finance; City Focus – Houston; Corporate and M&A; Projects and Energy
  • Thomas C. Mellor: Banking and Finance; City Focus – Houston; Corporate and M&A; Projects and Energy
  • Humberto Padilla Gonzalez: City Focus – Houston; Corporate and M&A; Projects and Energy
  • Daniel I. Papermaster: Banking and Finance
  • Ulises R. Pin: Corporate and M&A; Projects and Energy

The Legal 500 Latin America reviews and ranks more than 600 commercial law firms in 19 key regional jurisdictions. Research for the annual guide includes an extensive client and peer review process, with recommendations from more than 10,000 lawyers and 250,000 client references who identify the strengths and capabilities of law firms and lawyers who practice in Latin America.


Article information

Author: Rachel Fisher

Last Updated: 1703467804

Views: 1110

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Author information

Name: Rachel Fisher

Birthday: 1968-03-24

Address: 5271 Andrew Islands, Lake Richardmouth, MN 02785

Phone: +3695301301263249

Job: Tour Guide

Hobby: Gardening, Orienteering, Snowboarding, Backpacking, Skateboarding, Photography, Running

Introduction: My name is Rachel Fisher, I am a rich, bold, persistent, accomplished, lively, spirited, venturesome person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.